What a Fantastic Result. Be a Part of the Next One.

What a fantastic result. Be a Part of the Next One.
We have elected more Liberal Democrat MPs than we ever have. We are in a far stronger position.
Whether you voted for us, campaigned for us, or helped in any other way, thank you so much.
But our work is only just beginning.
Our party has been transformed by this election. We are back in the heart of British Politics.
Holding Labour properly to account in this Parliament is going to fall to us alone.
The Conservative Party will be torn apart by infighting over the next few years.
They will provide no meaningful opposition or fresh ideas.
It will be our responsibility alone to push for the right approach to Europe, to the economy, to a fairer society, to the environment, to education and to international cooperation - alongside many other issues where Liberal Democrat values are so central.
As we take on this important role, we want you by our side - supporting us, backing us, and inspiring us. You can do that becoming a member of the Liberal Democrats.
From as little as £1.25 a month, you could make a real difference.